Berner Fachhochschule diploma
Order Berner Fachhochschule diploma, buy a BFH degree certificate in Switzerland

Berner Fachhochschule is located in the canton of Bern, Switzerland. Built in October 1997. Buy Berner Fachhochschule degree online. It is one of the famous public colleges in Switzerland and is certified by the Ministry of Education of China. Campuses are mainly located in Bern, the capital of Switzerland, Burgdorf, Biel, Zollikofen, and Magglingen.

The Berner Fachhochschule consists of the Department of Architecture, Forestry and Civil Engineering; the Department of Technology and Information; the Department of Business and Management, Health Care, and Social Work; the Bern Academy of Arts, the Federal School of Sport, and the Swiss Agricultural College. The school offers 29 undergraduate degree programs, 21 master’s degree programs, and a large number of master’s diploma and certificate programs. How long to get a fake University of Zürich degree in Switzerland

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The main teaching languages at Berner Fachhochschule are German and French. There are 2 majors taught entirely in English. They are Master of Life Sciences – Agriculture and Forestry, and Master of Life Sciences – Food Nutrition and Health. More than 7,000 students study here. There are many international, interprofessional subjects, including nursing, food technology and physical education. In addition, the school also has research centers for sports and medical technology, social security, food systems and wood industry, specializing in cultivating market-oriented professionals.

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